Feasibility study on 30MW solar power plant in Bor-Undur

Bor-Undur Solar Power Plant development connection to the Central Grid will enable regional energy efficiency, supply improvement and provision of quality and reliable energy use to customers.

“Bor-Undur 30MW Solar Power Plant” Project will make the following impacts after its commissioning from the environmental perspective:  The power plant will produce electricity equaling to approximately 56 thousand households, thereby reducing approximately 1600 thousand tons of greenhouse gas to be generated by energy production, and also saving approximately 54 thousand tons of coal and 404 thousand tons of water use.

The solar power plant is planned to be of 30MW capacity and the features of the project include modern technology solar panels by “REC Group” and annual supply of 53.5 million kW energy to the Central Grid of Mongolia using leading ABB inverters.  The project scope includes the development of each 300 V capacity 108,800 solar panels, 35/110 kV substation and 6 km long 2 circuit 110 kV OHL in 85 ha total area.